Primary and Secondary classroom should have a size not more than 30 students per class

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27 Jun, 2017
Primary and Secondary Classroom size
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We all believe in providing good education for children but how much attention do students get at school? Is classroom size really relevant to this? Isn’t not about leveraging technology and quality education

In this case the charter schools in state can limit the number but public schools cannot. This topic seems like a live debate policy. In one way people feel that size can leverage individual attention. Can small classes alone ensure good education? Apart from this isn’t teaching quality, leadership, facilities and amount of parents, teachers and students involvement equally important.

On the other smaller the size it’s easy for teachers to mould and provide supportive environment- primary and secondary is the phase students require special guidance. If classes are large possibility of special attention is lesser. Smaller classes can kind of devote teachers to each child to reduce distraction in the classroom.

However students in upper grades have already formed habits on good, bad for coping up in with classroom and environment. So reducing size at this level is not enough to change the way they are. So lowering the class size for primary and secondary is not the same.

One of the major advantages of large classroom in secondary school is that there is more of competition, energy, fun and there is place for developing leadership qualities, skills, exploring opportunities and cultures. Classes are quick and not so boring there is more of willingness among students to participate.

On the other hand remember it’s good that students get the chance to learn independently, get self motivated because teachers have no time to work one on one. Students can learn to work in groups and as individuals because of the size ratio.

At the same time, it’s important to consider the nature and the subject teacher aspect. For example, a maths teacher can easily explain number of problems for several students at a stretch but an English teacher can’t give proper attention to written assignments for so many students, probably teacher might reduce the size of the assignment because of the strength.

For the primary grades, students are just beginning to learn and figuring out the educational expectations. If the strength is less every student gets the opportunity to interact with teacher, they are more possibilities to cope up with the environment and education. The small classroom size is costly. In terms of facilities, teachers, additional classrooms etc.

Overall this- it’s important to provide better faculty, quality education, advanced learning what would be more of trying to help students to learn and grow independently.

Does class size matter?

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