Anti-Romeo squads an independent team to assure women’s safety Isn’t it a good move until and unless they are unlashed by wrong motives and assumptions?

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25 Mar, 2017
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A day after Yogi Adityanath a newly appointed CM of UP gave a nod to Anti-Romeo squads across the state to check eve teasing to sought a women’s safety the campaign is grounded with many controversial issues. Campaign to relish the pre poll promises have come to reality nevertheless this move can kind of mark an end to harassment cases.

Women’s safety has become a major concern across the globe. The state that records maximum harassment in India as good news to quash the molestation issues as women in the city have welcomed the Anti Romeo squads in Uttar Pradesh.

Every single day a women is molested or assaulted in streets and public spaces. Lack of creating a preventive measure to safeguard women can be a major reason. We have no special teams monitored at public places be it during the occasions or ordinary days women under go some kind of harassment.

The squad which is constituted with 23 special teams with 235 spots monitored under 13 police stations with five members consisting of one sub inspector, two male constables and two female constables visiting spots from 10 am to 8pm which includes girl’s colleges, institutions, schools, malls, parks and public interests. A team like this can make a greater difference as they are formed to monitor on daily basis at all the public spaces.

When the so called molestations cases remain unsolved with no actions these squads can create a change. However the teams work independently not letting the other religious group to create a burn of moral policing as reports. But isn’t this a good platform to be considered when we lack one that can be considered positively!

According to a report in a newspaper, ‘’a boy was warned by the police standing outside a college in Meerut to meet a friend. The boy was quoted as saying that the police did not know why he was waiting outside the college and that “for them (UP police) any young boy on a bike is a majnu“

But is this really the Truth? Are the squads just to control eve-teasing? Will the act of moral policing freak into the privacy of the commons how will the misunderstood concepts of some officials be tackled? However it is said that the squad will monitor boys stalking girls or passing vulgar comments and punished under the Goonda Act.

With reference to this will anti-Romeo squad actions are an example to monitor women’s safety?

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Without harassing people? Should teams like this be adopted in other states?

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