Average life span of waste materials to decompose

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26 Jun, 2017
Average life span of waste materials to decompose
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On daily basis earth is exposed to all the harmful, toxic, non-degradable substances. Did you know every waste materials takes its own time to decompose. Unfortunately, we still fail to find the end solution or use the alternatives. Have you ever asked yourself on – how long does it take for waste material to decompose? At some point of time this can leads to ecological imbalance.

We are almost at the mid of the failures. Did you know how long it will takes for the trash to decompose? Trash decomposes faster when exposed – when buried deep inside, it’s much slower.

Off course! Advanced technology and science have created super strong materials that can withstand extreme temperatures and harsh condition without breaking easily.

These artificially synthesized materials are harder than natural foil. City alone produces tons of waste per day. Imagine the overall waste produced across the countries. The answer varies depending on the type of waste produced.
A normal paper takes about 2-3 weeks to decompose or dissolve.

Whereas aluminum doesn’t go away till 200 years, worst then ever is the plastic soda bottle that takes 450 years to decompose; other organic matters like glass, rubber, metals too are equally difficult for environment.

Absolutely all these materials make our life so easy and convenient, but they pose serious threats to environment, living organisms including each one of us.

Materials like paper towels, food waste, wood based products, natural fibers just take weeks to decompose whereas man- made materials like nylon, rubber, plastics, glass and metals take years to decompose.

Aluminum can take about 80 -200 years to decompose while plastic bottles, tubs take about 400 years to decompose, Styrofoam containers- 50 years. Among these plastic is one of the many types that takes long time to decompose.

As plastic breaks, down harmful chemicals and toxic leach into soil and groundwater –if they decompose in water bodies the marine life absorbs the toxic chemicals. Apart from assuming to eat fish, this can disturb the entire eco system.

All these non-biodegradable materials affect environment in many ways. If these substances are thrown out without proper treatment, it accumulates everywhere possibly in forests, lakes, rivers, streets, air etc this ruins the entire living organisms by causing pollution.

The synthetic chemicals, toxic gases emitted from the waste piles can create harm to animals and humans. These materials when ingested by animals on land or water can block their respiratory system. The harmful fumes of plastic or aluminum can harm the metabolism of living organisms this can disturb the entire food chain system.

For example: if a large amount of electronic waste is dumped, wires gives out poisonous copper salt this can pollute land, water, air – high exposure to copper can cause diseases like nausea, headache and diarrhea.

Example the ban of DDT powder ones these substances enter food chain, it is life threatening. Environmental harm can destroy the entire planet.

Garbage to decompose in the environment

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