How can one be more self-sufficient in life?

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04 Oct, 2017
one be more self-sufficient in life
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Whether you dream of a better future or planning to get away from life consumption being self-sufficient is more of preparedness. It offers security, it’s more of a personal satisfaction. Many people accomplish self-satisfaction through a career. On the other side, people think of other means of specific steps to become self-sufficient.

How to become self-sufficient? The concept has now turned out to be corrupt. There certain aspects greasing a man to become self-sufficient. One is through working hard and likely to take pride by becoming independent. For them, it’s more about living a satisfying life.

The second way is finding the alternatives to get rich soon possible. The over greed for consumption is never ending under this category. Third, is the way you think about the concept of dependency and seek alternatives?

One of the best ways to become self-sufficient is a job, self-educate to learn new things explore and work hard. It’s important to prioritize the needs and then find an alternative to enhance your future security.

There are hundreds of things to consider in order become self-sufficient. For example-an iron cookware will last for a longer time, while other things need regular replacement. Above all this, being self-sufficient is learning to make things sustainable, make things last for a longer time.

We all have depleted plenty of natural resources for commercial purposes. Do we even think of sustainability? Or resourcing it back? This is not self-sufficient.

In today’s world, it’s critical to work towards the financial freedom. The unnecessary burden of home loans and feeding of money mindedness have freaked our happiness. Yes! I agree shelter is a necessity. Do we have acre per person for a truly self-sufficient living? Do you have an eco-friendly system? Can you drill well on your own? These are few things that need to be considered for a sustainable living.

To live a sufficient life you need to produce your own food or at least preserve the environment. Wants shouldn’t affect other aspects. Now, let’s speak about traveling if you drive with cheap oil to save money you need an alternative. Unless and until you own a propane company, chances are the only way to reach self-sufficiency is to forgo automobiles and try carpooling or public transport to save yourself from cheap oil.

Remember self-sufficiency is not grabbing things in illegal ways like corruption, cheating etc in order to save some money. It’s not about using plenty of resources available on earth. It’s about developing resourcefulness, using things in an appropriate way.

It’s about saving money and being conscious of what you do. You should learn what you’re dependent on and how much of resources and skills you need to make a difference.

Is it good to be 100% self sufficient?

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