Can rural development help solve unemployment?

With the population of 1.3 billion in our country the rate of unemployment is increasing. Many graduates including doctors, engineers, teachers are either unemployed or under employment.
Offcourse there is a boom in software, outsourcing companies in India, but still why are we facing unemployment? When thousands and thousands of students pass out, and millions of people migrate to urban states in search of job where are they actually ending up?
As the problem of unemployment is rising many industries are still failing to hire a skilled candidate for their company. Well we have hell lots of reasons for unemployment slow business growth, inflation, population, low wages, corruption, education qualities, skills etc. But are we really failing to create jobs?
Well the notion is that one set of group migrates to cities, rest fly aboard. If this is the case there is no room for filling the job space. Everybody is in search of jobs but how many governing bodies have thought of developing some untouched sectors to create employments.
Yes. There are many untouched sectors that are failing to create jobs. One such sector is Agricultural sector of rural India. Job fillings get nil due to migration, raise in population, lack of business developments etc.
The vast sector that can create employment in India can be through these Agricultural sectors and SMES, small scale industries, skill development programs, educational institutions, hospitals, Ngo’s etc. These are the major place that rural sector requires development.
Infact Indian MSMEs contributes more than 37% of GDP and creates employment for about 805 lakh Indians. So, shouldn’t it solve the problem of unemployment to smaller groups? Small scale and large-scale industries can meet up the needs of skilled labors. At least can the migrants work at their own localities.
So, will rural development create employment? Why are we so much dependent on other countries for jobs? The fast-growing Indian economy as lots to offer if at all they are developed.
Well we all know the plight of the farmers this is more than enough to find rural population requires some developmental strategies to run a service, business or agriculture. Many of them need help and services wouldn’t this create job.
The other way is to develop the notion of digital India many of the rural people in India have no access to latest marketing developments with this many can work to tackle the technical problems. Infact like recently we came across some sellers/farmers making use of the eCommerce sites like Amazon, ebay to sell the cow dung cakes successfully. It’s no funny, you can find many seller for Cow Dung Cake.
Yes, rural India needs this kind of developments infact some Indian products are in demand, but not available in city. Just that many have no access to these products.
Many prefer working at cities and aboard as they are known for pay packs, infrastructures, accessibility and developments. Cities have more space for MN C’s, business, services and what not. That is why people prefer to settle in the city.
There are many small-scale industries, renewable energy projects, mills, skill based sectors so on and so forth to take up. People trained for industry skill sets, must depend on urban sectors to get their problem solved.
Yes, there is lot of attention needed towards such development. So, if developments happen will the jobs be created? Will the problem of unemployment be solved to an extent?
Do you agree- Development in the rural sector help solve unemployment?
Super excited to see article on rural development and more of this kind of stuff online.