Can we create a better platform for good cinemas and How?

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18 May, 2017
Platform for Good Cinemas
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We need better platform for good cinemas. India produces about 1,000 movies per year. This is exactly double the number of films released by Hollywood counterparts.

India is one among the few countries that doesn’t allow Hollywood to sway supreme, something that makes us proud about. This is exactly because we have audience for the cinema, with Indian sentiments and cultural details. With so much to offer some movies still fail.

For many of us cinema is heart and soul. Crowd at the cinema halls during the weekend is a clear cut evidence of the same. There are multiple movies offering multiple genres, plots, music, styles, narratives, miscellaneous, creativity and effects. One among the each out-stand the other. But unfortunately very few are successful.

We miss on many good movies over the wrong choices. Some movies excel by creating urgency. Some don’t. That is when we actually miss on good movies. The problem with the industry is using the right platform.

While considering a crowd funding film, a lot of decisions have to be made. So what to choose? How visible should the movie be? How should marketing visibility be? What decisions impact the audience directly? the way film is viewed so and so forth? Sometimes movie fails in this concept. Yes every good movie needs a better platform. INT

Classic example of this is ‘Kanchivaram’ a Tamil movie that throws light on the helplessness of the working class in the grip of feudal system? This movie crusted the warp and weft of all the social, cultural and political philosophy. Infact the movie speaks on reality off course it was nominated for Oscar award too. Nonetheless very few knew and talked about this movie in India.

Big budget movies offer call to action, some good movies fail on this concept and people miss them.

For a movie to reach the audience you need a platform. Today everybody use social media everyday including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. Movie makers should be using social media to market their movies. This will reach several types of audience instead of just uploading trailer to YouTube.

Next comes ads, radio shows, reality shows to participate and promote. Every film marker must create the platform to speak about the movie. Infact audiences require a platform to speak, interact and review the movie.

These are few things on how movies reach the crowd. If the audience grace the essence of the movie all set movie is recognized. Wouldn’t this be good enough for a movie to choose a right platform?

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