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News Topics is not a section for regular news. But curated news topics which is real issue in society with some unique opinions, perspective and thoughts that would help change perspective of news. Progressive thoughts and sentiments of democratice values. Trending Local and Global News, about Unsung Heroes- Join - Debate - Connect & Share your views on issues to solve by thoughful conversation.

  • How to remove unwanted body hair for Women & Men?

    0 replies
    24 Jan, 2018
    How to remove unwanted body hair for Women & Men?

    Hair removal is the most annoying factor for every woman and men. There are different types of hair removal measures most of which are expensive, time consuming and painful. Yet, we tend to shave it off or painfully wax it. Now, it’s time to consi...

  • Are Humans responsible for animals extinction?

    0 replies
    27 Dec, 2017
    Are Humans responsible for Animals extinction?

    Are we humans responsible for Animals extinction? In just 500 years about 322 animals, species, birds, mammals and reptiles are extinct due to human activities. The recent issues of the journal science took a close look at animals extinction that...

  • Should we protest Sunny Leone’s New Year’s events?

    1 replies
    19 Dec, 2017
    Should we protest Sunny Leone’s New Year’s events?

    Sunny Leone's upcoming performance on New Year Events has sparked controversy with a protest across Bangalore. Group of activists stood in front of Manyata Tech Park burning the posters featuring Sunny Leone. Storm over featuring Sunny Leone, ...

  • Is urbanization cause for the higher cost of living?

    0 replies
    12 Dec, 2017
    Is urbanization cause for the higher cost of living?

    Urbanization is a contributing factor to the cities growth. Nonetheless, urbanisation has its own pros and cons. The growth of industries and service sectors are rapid. People are moving rapidly to cities in search of a job. Urbanisation has ...

  • Are we Urban Indian ready to take cycle to work?

    0 replies
    05 Dec, 2017
    Are we Urban Indian ready to take cycle to work?

    Are we Urban Indian ready to take cycle to work? State pollution control board shows that there are no virtual places in India complying with WHO and National Ambient Air Quality standards, most of the cities are critically polluted. Except for few p...

  • Women need reservations in parliament? Yes or No

    0 replies
    05 Dec, 2017
    Women need reservations in parliament?

    Recently Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu promised to fight for 33% reservation for women in the legislative bodies. Many political parties are trying hard to get this bill passed. Now, that the idea is plagued by many political part...

  • Is odd & even policy only solution for Delhi’s air pollution?

    0 replies
    14 Nov, 2017
    Is odd & even policy only solution for Delhi’s air pollution?

    Delhi has continued to fight toxic air as the level of pollutants were in severe condition. With this, the NGT said that odd-even system has to be implemented every time the pollution drifted in the emergency category but how effective and practical ...

  • Are Credit Cards good or bad?

    0 replies
    07 Nov, 2017
    Are Credit Cards good or bad

    Credit cards are around for a while after demonetization, their usage has increased. The post demonetization has replaced cash and dependency on cards has increased. Credit cards have become more of a necessity. With the rampant usage, are credit car...

  • Effect of Ragging in Schools & Colleges – How can we stop it?

    0 replies
    07 Nov, 2017
    Effect of Ragging in Schools & Colleges

    They are many stories of torture and humiliation associated with ragging. We have heard and seen senior students fooling around in the name of ragging. Once the junior student falls into the clutches they don’t find a way to escape. Ragging has...

  • Why do startups fail even after substantial funding?

    0 replies
    31 Oct, 2017
    Why do startups fail even after substantial funding?

    Over the last couple of years, startups are growing rapidly. With the dozens of CEO’s and Founders building strategies and funding plans, there are common set of reasons startups struggle and fail, at the same time there are set of reasons why ...

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