How to deal with Increasing Cyber Crime?

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24 Oct, 2017
How to deal with Increasing Cyber Crime?
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Cyber crime continues to increase in the line of internet adoption. Nonetheless, India reported 11,592 cases of cyber crimes in 2015. The threat of cyber crime is multi-dimensional. Cyber criminals target business, citizens, and governments at the rapid rate. Recently about 100 countries witnessed the massive ransomware cyber attack around the world.

Cyber crime poses a direct threat to security and plays an important role in the crime, terrorism, financial frauds and identity theft. In the midst of India’s cashless economy, cyber crimes are increasing. We all must have heard, read and spoke about these ATM frauds and cashless swiping frauds.

In the midst of cashless economy how to deal with cyber crimes?

Firstly, there are different types of cyber crimes let’s consider the most common and the trending one. There is now a self-sufficient digital cashless economy in which data is an illegal commodity. In this case, it’s easy to steal personal and financial data used personally. INT

For example, to access the bank accounts and credit cards or to fraudulently establish a new line of credit has a monetary value. This drives a range of cyber crime activities, including phishing, malware, and hacking of corporate databases individuals are able to lease the networks of thousands of computers to carry out automated attacks.

The increasing trend for outsourcing data to third parties presents lots of risks. It risks information security and data safety. Therefore in order to prevent cyber crimes use cyber criminal tools such as malware prevention kits and botnets.

At the next level disrupt the malicious code writers and web hosts through the active developer groups, law enforcement, and ICT departments. Develop an insight into the contemporary cyber-criminal by using intelligence analysis, criminological research, and other techniques.Based on the law enforcement like IT security industry deploy the existing resources more effectively.

Secondly, for the cooperate sectors, it’s always good to tie up with active partnerships like with ISPs, internet security organizations. However, the private sector needs to be assured that it’s a confidential relationship in which information will be exchanged for investigation purpose.

Law enforcement must work in a partnership operating the environment so that the technological misuse can be avoided.

Finally read up on different crime separately. There is lots of information to handle this crime. Cyber crime is deadly it’s very easy to extort. Read and understand the various ways to protect and prevent cyber crimes.

Apart from all this one should be aware and always stay protective. Prevention is always better.

How to deal with Increasing Cyber Crimes?

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