Effect of Ragging in Schools & Colleges – How can we stop it?

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07 Nov, 2017
Effect of Ragging in Schools & Colleges
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They are many stories of torture and humiliation associated with ragging. We have heard and seen senior students fooling around in the name of ragging. Once the junior student falls into the clutches they don’t find a way to escape.

Ragging has become a common form of amusement. It’s a dishonorable social interaction between seniors and juniors in colleges. This form of interaction is turned out to be inhuman and anti-social form. The practice of familiarizing with their seniors is turned out to be a pivotal tool for ill-treating the other students.

In one way ragging has some positive effects. It kind of creates self-awareness. They become self-confident and become courageous. Many a time, juniors and seniors become very good friends after ragging. In fact, this is applicable if taken positively. Nonetheless, not all forms of practice are acceptable.

As students come from different backgrounds, it has different effects on individuals. Some students are assaulted, stripped and intimidated. This torture leaves an indelible remark and impression on student’s mind. This kind of haunts him/her throughout his life, and unknowingly develop psychological disorders.

The situation of getting ragged compels the victim to commit suicide. Some victims tend to lose interest in studies and career. It’s a kind of human right abuse. Lack of moral values and discipline has lead to these evil practices.

Most of the regulatory bodies have tackled the problem well. More effective steps have to be implemented to deal with the problem. Institutes should arrange counseling session for students and fresher’s to speak their mind.

Anti-ragging cells should be mandated. A fresher’s party has to be organized by the institutes within a week of the academic session so that students can easily interact. Juniors and seniors can easily interact.

Various regulatory bodies have to measure the menace of ragging in the educational institutions. The apex court of the country should provide guidelines for preventing this practice. Apart from this students have to be educated and made self-aware. Parents, teachers, and media have a vital role to prevent ragging.

How can we stop ragging?

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