Organic Farming empowers farmers towards better future

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21 Nov, 2017
Organic Farming empowers farmers towards better future
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Can Organic Farming empower farmers towards better future? For any civilization, purpose agriculture has to be healthy and sustainable. In fact, agriculture must suit the primary focus on Indian economy. The practice of agriculture is passed down form generations and traditions and now reached the stage of farmer’s suicide.

In 1940’s, as part of Green revolution, various developments were seeded in agriculture. The concept of good yields and preventing pest attacks, chemical fertilizers for soil and pesticides were introduced during the revolution. Now farmers are pressurized to buy seeds and invest in fertilizers and pesticides.

The entire concept of green revolution was in the favor of high yield farming to counter food shortages. This has led to boring loans for the initial investment and interest rates which have further sucked farmers in debates.

In fact, Today, ‘India is a major exporter of rice and world’s second largest producer of fruits and vegetables after USA. Yet farmers are facing backlash over transformation’. While it’s important to empower the farmers can organic farming help? Will it make a difference?

Several projects claim that organic farming empowers farmers, women and promotes gender equality. It’s said that natural farming has positive effects and improves health and food security.

Organic food and its health benefits are 20% higher than non organic food. This is very important for small farmer’s whose income might be sufficient to feed his family a meal.

Organic farming doesn’t require capital investment, unlike the chemical farming. Since organic farming doesn’t use pests and chemicals cost is low. Therefore in case of natural calamity, chemical attacks or irregular rainfall or a crop failure organic farmers suffer less.

The various benefits of natural farming overall include high premium, low investment and better premiums in the market. Most of our Farmers have an abundance of traditional knowledge. Farmers don’t have to struggle over conventional farming with the new technical adoptions.

Most of the traditional knowledge can’t be used for chemical farming. Farmers can use these organic farming and don’t have to invest much.

Since chemical inputs are costly farmers are not dependent on money lenders in natural farming. Crop failure doesn’t lead an organic farmer into debt. However organic agriculture has its own limitations. According to ‘International Fund for Agriculture Development, small farmers in Latin America, china and India can benefit a lot from organic farming and help to eliminate poverty’.

Natural farming makes yield free of chemicals thereby improving the economics of farming. They have tremendously benefited from these natural techniques. Climate change is intensifying hunger and the effects are increasing. The non organic form of farming has lead to land degradation and soil erosion.

Organic cultivation promotes better health and environment, it’s one of the best good food habits to follow. The ill effects of chemicals in farming techniques have affected the cultivator. Natural farming techniques help in improving soil fertility and better yield. Intensive farming can deplete nutrients from the soil, therefore organic farming is useful. Organic farming is cost effective and less risky. Unlike the non organic, organic farming doesn’t require multiple objectives.

These organic farms are capable of meeting environmental, economic and social needs. Organic farming helps to deliver key benefits with increased nutrition and improved food security by protecting the environment and wildlife. It improves livelihoods and empowers farmers.

In rural communities, the adoption of farming techniques provides the basis for more secure future. Organic farming allows developing countries to eat healthy food every day. This approach enables farmers to rise well while increases resilience against the effects of climatic change. As they become self-sufficient without investing more they grow in confidence and hope. It provides wider opportunities for young people.


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