Nuclear weapon spending – is devastating public resourcesEvery nation is flexing muscles on nuclear capabilities – Shouldn’t they invest on education and food

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08 Apr, 2017
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As hundreds and millions of people go hungry every day the armed nations spend millions and billions a day to build their nuclear forces. These productions, maintenance and testing have diverted all our minds from providing basic resources to the public by limiting expenditures on health care, education, environment, disaster management and developmental strategies. Here is what you must know and analyze!

It’s said that globally, expenditure on nuclear weapons is estimated at US$105 billion – or $12 million an hour. The World Bank forecast in 2002 that an annual investment of just US$40–60 billion, or roughly half the amount currently spent on nuclear weapons. Well our own country India spends about $4.9 billion annually on nuclear weapons.

As per the recent budget announcements- Centre allocated about Rs 68,968 crore for education sector which is just 3.8 percent that is not even sufficient to meet the requirements of primary education. Well the world is overpowered with the nuclear powers to protect the nation well it’s appreciated at the cost of basic requirements. This kind of spending would have met the international Millennium Development Goals on poverty alleviation target reach of 2015 instead nations are busy spending so much on nuclear weapons. Large number of population suffers from hunger, percentage of malnourished adults and children in the society is threatening.

No doubt nuclear weapons are devastating weapons for war. These effects can destroy entire civilization its horrible as it may seem like must keep them away. They engender to save lives of millions at times no doubts about it. But don’t we feel Nuclear weapons are posing grave threat to humanity and their developments diverting from public resources.


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