Patriotism is a positive thing – National anthem at cinema halls a good move

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11 Jul, 2017
Patriotism Positive thing
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Patriotism comes out of respect and love for one’s nation. Well is playing national anthem in Movie Theater is a positive move. Should the sacred tone of a national anthem played in a theater too? How about the other formal places? Standing up for national anthem is not just patriotism it’s a feeling of love and respect conveyed to our motherland.

After all this, we hardly get to sing national anthem twice a year, so cinema hall provides another chance to sing. What is wrong in that? On the other hand, the national anthem is played at formal occasions like parades, government functions, schools, institutions. INT

Shouldn’t this practice be encouraged in the different government, private sector organizations and take it on a broader level? With all these people get to their place to enjoy crappy or a good movie.

But why only in cinema halls? Other public places like railway stations and airports aren’t involved. Well, those have certain schedules, its bit hard. But why don’t the parliament session begin with the national anthem which is more of a formal session? Over this should national anthem posses much more formal place?

Be it the formal or informal place what’s wrong to sing our pride. While people stand in line for tickets for hours wouldn’t they care to stand few minutes to pay respect to the national anthem? It isn’t hard to show some respect to our country’s anthem. Many homemakers, employees, job seekers, old people etc don’t get a chance to sing can’t they make use of this move effectively.

Right from the school days, we are taught to pay respect to the national anthem and national flag but after schooling, it’s taken away from the daily routines. However, this should be taken on the bounded guidelines to make them follow the protocols.

On the other hand, it’s like uniting the dividend we all are divided on caste, religion, status and what not. The only thing that integrates all of us is one nationality. This can help people see and show that there is something in common between everyone at the cinema hall which instills the being of one nation.

There is no harm in standing up for a national anthem, but there is a definite harm if someone humiliates for not doing it so.

National anthem at cinema halls is a good move?

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