What are some practical ways to overcome domestic violence?

Tortured bride to death for dowry’, ‘school kid beaten by father’, ‘A man killed over property dispute’, Harassment of women…
This is what you see day in and out everyday, turn to any newspaper randomly you will find the reports on these kinds of violence happening all over the country. Infact there are more such cases which go unreported every day.
Violence is shooting high, they are happening right behind the doors of many homes, towns, cities, rural areas and metropolitan, irrespective crossing all the genders, age groups and social classes this violence is exploding all the physical, sexual and emotional levels of the victims.
Some of the contributing factors and insights could be desired to gain control over the family member, exploit someone for benefits, flow of commanding, gaining superiority so on and so forth.
To get the sense of what next should we really break the silence and actively stop domestic violence? Government has enforced the Domestic Violence Act 2005 unfortunately has its own loopholes there is no single law in the constitution to strictly deal domestic violence.
Apart from laws sense of social norms, law procedures, self respect, values abide many of us to stop there and not to act. That’s why many cases remain unreported.
But practically are there some ways to overcome domestic violence? Can common people in society help stop domestic violence or wait for the laws? In this case what should we really do?
What kind of help we could provide for such victims, assist them filing complaint, get them medical help if needed, support services from NGOs for shelter.
There are such NGOs in place but needs to be well organized with law and order including, Medical facilities and Legal facilities with support from Government or Private Sponsors to provide psychiatric counselling for individual, couple and Family. Every individual has right to live.
Do you agree with so many loopholes in the act is it sensible to practically overcome domestic violence?