Should we protest Sunny Leone’s New Year’s events?

1 replies
19 Dec, 2017
Should we protest Sunny Leone’s New Year’s events?
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Sunny Leone’s upcoming performance on New Year Events has sparked controversy with a protest across Bangalore.

Group of activists stood in front of Manyata Tech Park burning the posters featuring Sunny Leone.

Storm over featuring Sunny Leone, ‘Sunny Night in Bangalore NYE 2018’ event is being objected group of people is demanding the cancellation. Well, some people told Sunny Leone’s performance if she wears a saree.

Will, Sunny leone performance lead men and women to behave inappropriately? Should we encourage these sorts of events?

We have seen what happened on MG Road last December.

Who should be blamed for the cause? There was no stage performance still we witnessed a horrifying incident.

Well, in one way it’s her profession. It’s her identity she never attempted to hide. Countless misogynists out there have to understand that men’s mind is not corrupted by women dressing up in skimpy clothes.

It’s the way women are institutionalised in corrupted minds because of the social conditions. Does this lead to mental corruption which draws to rape girls as young as five years old?

Makemytrip (CPA) IN

Many of us indulge in victim blaming and shaming the victim. We are not focusing on helping men deal with their sexual perversities. We fail to tell them women have rights on their own bodies.

They are also humans they are no less. They have all the rights to do what they tend to want.

Apart, from this no women need security. It should develop in the minds of men to treat women with respect. Not all men are same when they have been taught how to treat women. We don’t have to protest over safety and culture.

It’s critical to protest and oppose women. It’s sad that we are still in the stage of searching safety for women.

In one way, Sunny lenone event might hurt the ‘culture’. Nonetheless, we have respected our culture. Our culture too is to respect women. It depends on how people consider the concept.

This particular protest in one way is mindless, who need someone to tell what to wear, how to talk and walk. What jobs to take up, when to eat, when to control mind, body and work.

Sunny lenone is an empowered personified claiming it’s a matter of human right. Instead, provide security better facilities to monitor the crowd. Give a precise solution and alternatives.

Give a specification on what type of performance and hold on to better security. It’s the responsibility of every human to respect our culture. Nonetheless, culture shouldn’t mock someone’s right.

Should we protest against sunny Leone’s New Year’s events?

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1 thought on “Should we protest Sunny Leone’s New Year’s events?”

  1. if you are an Indian born you have some values of Indian culture do not spoil by supporting such events which will lead our younger generation in wrong decision in future

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