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News Topics is not a section for regular news. But curated news topics which is real issue in society with some unique opinions, perspective and thoughts that would help change perspective of news. Progressive thoughts and sentiments of democratice values. Trending Local and Global News, about Unsung Heroes- Join - Debate - Connect & Share your views on issues to solve by thoughful conversation.

  • Are Credit Cards good or bad?

    0 replies
    07 Nov, 2017
    Are Credit Cards good or bad

    Credit cards are around for a while after demonetization, their usage has increased. The post demonetization has replaced cash and dependency on cards has increased. Credit cards have become more of a necessity. With the rampant usage, are credit car...

  • Alternative Energy should replace Fossil Fuels – Agree or Disagree

    0 replies
    07 Nov, 2017
    Alternative Energy should replace Fossil Fuels

    Can alternative energy sources like biofuels, geothermal or nuclear energy meet energy demands better than fossil fuels such as oil and coal? Some argue that fossil fuels are inefficient as they cause environmental destruction. In fact, it’s said t...

  • Is Nepotism a synonym for Corruption?

    0 replies
    24 Oct, 2017
    Is Nepotism a synonym for Corruption?

    Bollywood celebrities have given their cents on nepotism since few months. Not just in film industry most of them debate on nepotism. In fact, Nepotism and corruption are deeply rooted in personal aim, it is kind of unethical familial relationships a...

  • How can one become more likable?

    0 replies
    10 Oct, 2017
    How can one become more likable

    Do you make feel comfortable when they are around you? Do people appreciate and accept you easily? Likeable people know how to get going with others easily. They understand the genuine concepts they are willing to connect often. Will this make someon...

  • How to deal with someone who has travel-focused life?

    1 replies
    04 Oct, 2017
    Travel-focused life

    How to deal with travel-focused life if you're wanting to travel around the world, and felt like you needed to get there sometime? Most of us have felt that! For many of us traveling is hard. Traveling is meant for lucky and wealthy people. How c...

  • How can one be more self-sufficient in life?

    0 replies
    04 Oct, 2017
    one be more self-sufficient in life

    Whether you dream of a better future or planning to get away from life consumption being self-sufficient is more of preparedness. It offers security, it’s more of a personal satisfaction. Many people accomplish self-satisfaction through a career. O...

  • How to resolve arguments and anger issues in a relationship?

    0 replies
    22 Sep, 2017
    Resolve arguments and anger issues in a relationship

    Anger issues in a relationship - Arguments are inevitable every relationship slips to arguments. No matter how much you love each other, you’ll argue. It’s common when two people are together for a long time they find something to argue. Being fr...

  • Mobile Network providers or Social networking forcing Data service on Users?

    0 replies
    11 Jul, 2017
    Mobile Network providers or Social networking

    There is an arbitrary use of data with the number of offers offered by the mobile network providers. Some networks offers are made affordable. Never to forget mobile data services are generating new market ideas to make revenues. With the increased u...

  • Does age play an importance factor in any relationship?

    0 replies
    11 Jul, 2017
    Does age play an importance factor in any relationship

    Does age play an important role in the relationship or will the love prevail over the age factor?Love is a complex condition of emotions, attraction, affection. On the other side, if love is considered as spirituality then age plays an important fact...

  • Small changes a day to lead a better healthy lifestyle

    0 replies
    11 Jul, 2017
    better healthy lifestyle

    We all must have looked for an ideal opportunity to change a particular habit. For most of us, it's about tracking a healthy lifestyle. Getting started doesn’t require big drastic measures to follow. The most effective way to witness a change is th...

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