Shameful molestation incident on women this 2017 New Year’s Eve in Bangalore

4 replies
Rekha Raj
06 Jan, 2017
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MG Road one of the landmark place in Bangalore attracts lot of young crowd every New year. Lounge, Clubs and Pubs around were unaffected by demonetization. 2017 New year’s celebration in Bangalore witness mass molestation of women, what a shameful and horrifying incident to welcome a New Year.

Numerous Women were molested and groped as they had to take off their stilettos and run for help at MG Road Bangalore, in spite not even a single case was registered even though 1,500 cops on road, above all a senior cabinet minister says such incidents happen! Is Bangalore going Delhi way on women’s safety.

I have lived in Bangalore, Karnataka all my life and have never witnessed such incident ever. Even though many Annual fairs like Dussehra in Mysore and kadalekai Parishe (Groundnet Fair) at bull temple, Basavanagudi Bangalore happens year on year ever since, the farmers from surrounding villages after annual harvest of groundnut come to this temple every year to make their offering to Lord Basava before selling. I have never heard or come across such shameful incidents even though the crowd happens to be jam-packed for 3 days.

Bangalore being a very polite, good cultured city is losing it value as people migrate from all over India to find a living. As they live with friends and party whole night and get into such irresponsible behavior after party – Even though we all are Indians do we share the same value.


Do you think social stigma is attached to make think twice to file a complaint?

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4 thoughts on “Shameful molestation incident on women this 2017 New Year’s Eve in Bangalore”

  1. When police and other reporters present there did not have one single evidence of molestation when there is no FIR of molestation till date from MG Rd area for that night…

    1. Thanks for your comments. We are very much responsible about our city Bangalore and its image. But it is unfortunate that some people display such behavior. Lot of such incidents does not get registered. This debate is based on journal reports, for your kind information

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