Is urbanization cause for the higher cost of living?

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12 Dec, 2017
Is urbanization cause for the higher cost of living?
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Urbanization is a contributing factor to the cities growth. Nonetheless, urbanisation has its own pros and cons.

The growth of industries and service sectors are rapid. People are moving rapidly to cities in search of a job.

Urbanisation has led to the diffusion of the influence of urban centers. It has resulted in two tier and three tier cities. Just like the concept of smart cities good or bad for future.

Urbanisation has its own protocol of developmental concepts and advantages. Within the cities, cost of living is higher comparatively.

In one way urbanization has led to higher cost of living. Due to the need of transport, food and increased problems of expenditures.

Cities provide an opportunity for people to work together. Reasonably many sectors have developed, there are many new innovations.

Urbanisation has increased the cost of living and taxation. It kind of allows the population to increase, which then raises costs for fuel and food etc.

Driving changes in economy and technology, transportation as all increased the living.

There’s a collaborative change in lifestyle. There is a longer dependency on urbanization, therefore, the cost of living is standardized.

Offcourse, urbanisation provides higher pay and more productive jobs. At the same time, most of them are unable to balance the urbanized living.

As the competition increase, people strive for better facilities. In metro cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi etc, it is difficult for lower income groups to lead a decent living. INT

The cost of living also increases on the basis of applied wages, salaries, and benefits.

Urbanization alone can’t become a cause for an increased cost of living. A person can increase his own cost of living based on his/ her lifestyle. This change may be locational or situational.

Situational changes too can increase the cost of living. It depends on a person deciding to eat at a restaurant or buy a car.

Location change is either moving from semi-rural area to Delhi. For those who have been in cities are used to the pricing and living cost.

Nonetheless, there is not much of dependency. It’s a swift towards development.

However; it has to balance the basic requirements. Chances of availability are high in urban areas. Urbanization is characterized by stress.

Employment is almost inevitable to meet the increasing cost of living. Changing roles of urbanization and people has lead to many problems.

It’s definitely not easy to avoid urbanization. But the limiting factor of increase in urbanisation is possible.

Government should wake up to make the situation conducive. We need to think on how to balance the cost of living in one it’s related to inflation too.

Urbanization is cause for higher cost of living?

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